Sunday, December 14, 2008


We had snow today! It snowed all day long, I think there is a good 3 or so inches out there. Trevor spent a bit of time digging around in it in the backyard but the snow was too powdery to really do anything with. He enjoyed it anyway. Tonight the wind has picked up and it is an ice slick outside. Will see if school gets cancelled tomorrow......

Visit to Santa

We took Trevor to the mall to see Santa today so he could tell him what he wants for Christmas. It was kind of funny because he thanked Santa first for the gifts he received last year. Santa played along with that of course. They got quite a visit in before his picture was taken by the photographer. This pic. was taken by daddy.

First Lost tooth

Trevor finally lost his first tooth. He is trying to show it here in the picture. It is in the front on the bottom. He was very happy that the tooth fairy showed up and gave him a whole dollar for his little tooth. He said he didn't know that the tooth fairy was really real until now.

Santa and the Christmas Train

Steve and I took Trevor for a little ride on the Christmas Train. It is an old steam engine that has been refurbished by a local train club. The had the train all decorated with lights and Santa visits everyone on the train. Trevor was very excited as the trip was a surprise.

Little Santa

Decorating the tree

Trevor did a wonderful job decorating our tree this year. Hard to believe he can reach 3/4 of the way up now. He did most of it himself and then mom added the rest. He was very excited (as usual) about getting our decorations out.