Saturday, August 30, 2008

Earlier this summer Trevor decided he had outgrown the Frog and Toad motif in his bedroom and wanted a change. We are just now getting time to paint his room. I had hoped to have it done before school starts but we are cutting it close. Here is a shot of him helping to primer the walls. We had to use a lot since the mural on the wall had so many dark colors in it. Tomorrow we start on the actual paint colors he picked for the room. Stay tuned to see how it turns out. By the way, by the time we were done with the primer that little red paint smock of his was mostly white!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trevor is really into "science" these days. Here he shows off a project he took from his kids science project book. He did it all by himself with no input or assistance from us. Read the directions very carefully and did each step. As for what it is, I am not sure. Basically he used his play doh to attach a funnel to a pop bottle. His next project.......a worm farm....stay tuned to see if we actually make one.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

7th Birthday

I know this is out of sequence but here is Trevor at his 7th birthday party. He wanted the piece of cake that had the baseball on it so that is what he got. It was huge! Of course, he only ate a quarter of it but he was thrilled with it anyway.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Maggie, Sean and Trevor look for interesting things in the grass at Grandma's house.
Trevor and Maggie at the Seaside aquarium. They both had a great time playing with the sea stars.

Summer family fun

The Hestenes Family (sans Glen) came to visit us this summer. Here Trevor and cousins Maggie and Sean have fun digging in the sand at Seaside.

Camp Fun

The boys even got to "dress up" our den guide for a friendly competition. The boys are (l.-r.) Tiernan, Trevor, Emmy, Joshua, and Brett. Guide "Cross" is the one dressed in newspaper.

Here the boys are playing tug of war with den leader Steve and parent Glen. As you can see, the boys are not faring so well.......

Forbidden fruit

This summer our cub scout den went to day camp for the first time. Camp ran for a week and had a pirate theme called "X marks the fun." One of the camp rules included no climbing the trees. Thus, the first thing our den did was get caught climbing one of the trees!